Color Skins

Case Studies

The Honorable Edward J. Davila, United States District Court, Northern District of California (March 17, 2021): Angeion undertook a comprehensive notice campaign…The notice program was well executed, far-reaching, and exceeded both Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23(c)(2)(B)’s requirement to provide the “best notice that is practicable under the circumstances” and Rule 23(e)(1)(B)’s requirement to provide “direct notice in a reasonable manner.”


Case No. 5:18-md-02827

The Honorable Ronald B. Rubin, Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland (February 24, 2017): What is impressive to me about this settlement is in addition to all the usual recitation of road racing litanies is that there is going to be a) public notice of a real nature and b) about a matter concerning not just money but public safety and then folks will have the knowledge to decide for themselves whether to take steps to protect themselves or not. And that’s probably the best thing a government can do is to arm their citizens with knowledge and then the citizens can make decision. To me that is a key piece of this deal. I think the notice provisions are exquisite.


Case No. 384003V

The Court approves the publication notice plan presented to this Court as it will provide notice to potential class members through a combination of traditional and digital media that will consist of publication of notice via press release, programmatic display digital advertising, and targeted social media, all of which will direct Class Members to the Settlement website... The notice plan satisfies any due process concerns as this Court certified the class under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23 (b)(1)...

The Honorable Christina A. Snyder

United States District Court, Central District of California

The Court has reviewed the class notices for the Settlement Class and the methods for providing notice and has determined that the parties will employ forms and methods of notice that constitute the best notice practicable under the circumstances; are reasonably calculated to apprise class members of the terms of the Settlement and of their right to participate in it, object, or opt-out; are reasonable and constitute due, adequate, and sufficient notice to all persons entitled to receive notice; and meet all constitutional and statutory requirements, including all due process requirements and the California Rules of Court.

The Honorable Eddie C. Sturgeon

Superior Court of the State of California, County of San Diego

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